Auto theft crisis: Tips to keep your vehicle safe

People driving in car as sun is setting.

Auto theft rates in Canada are surging at an alarming pace.

Ontario, in particular, witnesses a car theft every 48 minutes. Thieves have adopted a clever approach by exploiting technology to start the car engine and steal your vehicle.

According to Équité Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing auto crime in Canada, here are the most frequently stolen cars in Ontario:

  1. Lexus RX Series
  2. Honda CR-V
  3. Ford F150 Series
  4. Toyota Highlander
  5. Honda Civic
  6. Land Rover Range Rover Sport
  7. Honda Accord
  8. Chevrolet/GMC Silverado/Sierra 1500 Series

Insurer strategies to tackle car theft:

In response to the increased costs incurred by insurers due to rising auto theft incidents, insurance companies are taking following actions to address the car theft issue:

  • Some insurers are offering a technology known as ‘Tag’, which facilitates vehicle tracking and recovery in case of theft, either at a reduced price or without any extra charges.
  • Some insurance companies are introducing a "High Theft Risk Premium Surcharge" of $500 for insuring vehicles considered at high risk of theft. However, this surcharge can be waived if the vehicle is equipped with anti-theft deterrents.
  • Certain insurers are also offering a small discount on comprehensive coverage premiums if you install security measures like TAG, steering wheel locks, brake pedal locks, or wheel and tire locks in your vehicle.

Each insurance company may have its unique approach to tackling this situation. It is advisable to consult your insurance broker. They will assess your insurance coverage to determine whether you are affected by these changes and qualify for an anti-theft discount.

Tips to prevent car theft

To prevent car theft, consider the following tips:

  • ​ Avoid purchasing or leasing a vehicle with a high theft risk.
  • ​ Park your car in a locked garage or position it behind another vehicle to block access.
  • ​ Store your keys/fobs in a metal container to block their signal and prevent unauthorized access.
  • ​ Utilize a tracking device like Tag to help locate your vehicle in case of theft.
  • ​ Install an immobilizing device, such as wireless ignition authentication or kill switches, to deter thieves.
  • ​ Enhance security by using a steering wheel lock, brake pedal lock, wheel and tire lock, or audible alarms.
  • ​ Park your car in well-lit areas to reduce the risk of theft.
  • ​ Never leave valuable items in plain sight within your vehicle.

If your car is among the frequently stolen models, it's more important than ever to implement these preventive measures to avoid falling victim to car theft.